What if life really is that easy? Meaning, what if you stopped pushing yourself so hard, starting being kinder to yourself and opened yourself to the ease and rhythms of life? Natural-born medium, intuition coach and Not a Kult co-founder Jamie Butler explains how to go for what you want in life without losing yourself and your energy at the same time. At NAK, our goal is always to help you shift into that flow state that keeps your mood high and your vibes higher… In this video, Jamie tells you a few of the ways you can easily move into the high-frequency state with just a few mental (emotional + spiritual) tricks.
— Learn the mantra she uses to stay productive and sweet to herself
— Discover how the old, indoctrinated ways of working can take your energy off course
— Find out how solutions become easier when you stay in the flow
— How staying awake and aware gets you farther than pushing yourself to the extreme
— How to relax your mind and energetic body (and not compromise yourself) in a corporate world